DescriptionForSupplier: 塑料收纳盒(40格) 整体尺寸:14*8.8*3.5cm
Packing: Size:69*46*30cm Weight:11.2kg
Density: 117
Ставка: 2.2
QTT1BOX: 100
формула цены продажи: 0. по-умолчанию
формула себестоимости: 0. по-умолчанию (юань)
Размер: 4.9х8.9х14.1 см
Материал: пластик
Назначение товара: подставка для атомайзеров
Страна производства: Китай
Срок годности: не ограничен
Краткое описание: Используется для хранения атомайзеров 13.7х8.6
Техническое задание: _
TechSpecification: Task: 1. Conduct a visual inspection; 2. Check the integrity of the packaging; 3. Assess the compliance of the components with the established technical specifications 4. Check the dimensions against
MinorDefects: 1. Surface abrasions; 2. Light dirt that can be removed
MajorDefects: 1. Obvious damage to the packaging that may affect the safety of the product. 2. Cracks or chips on the surface of the organizer that may affect its appearance, but not its functionality.
CriticalDefects: 1. Complete non-compliance with the declared characteristics (for example, the organizer does not withstand the declared load). 2. Serious damage to the structure, which may lead to breakage during us
NameEng: Organizer 40 cells